We know that every girl has a bag at least, but what troubles girls mostly is how to maintain their beloved bags, and here I want to introduce Loewe Handbags all girls several maintenance ways for bags, and I hope there would be useful to you.
When the cloth bags get dirty, we could add a small amount of cleanser essence into the clean water, and then we could use a brush blush the bag back and forth along the texture. General cloth bags will be ok as long as we use a brush to get rid of the dust, and some of bags could be ironed by a flat iron to keep its beautiful shape and appearance.
As for leather bags, we should pay attention to several points below. First, The bags in common leather need to have maintenance oil, and we need to clean it periodically, and we need to use a clean cloth filled with oil to rub on the surface of the leather bags, avoiding to apply the oil on the leather directly in Marc Jacobs Sunglasses order not to hurt the leather, and we should pay special attention that we should avoid using chemical substances which are very harmful to the leather.
Second, if there are dirty marks on leather marks, we should use clean and wet sponge to dip cleanser essence in proper temperature to rub the bags, Loewe Handbags making it dry naturally. Before using it, we had better try it at inconspicuous places at first.
Third, if the leather bags are stained with oil, we should clean it with dry cloth at first, and then just let it disappear naturally, but we should note that we must not clean it with water.
Fourth, if the hardware on the leather bags gets oxidized slightly, we could clean it with dry cloth after using it at first, and then we just use the flour or the toothpaste to clean the hardware slightly.
In a word, we should use right ways to maintain our bags which are necessary to girls to keep them in good conditions all the time.