
MLM Leads - Are Free or Paid MLM Lead Generation Methods Best

Many more people are getting into the world of internet marketing every day. Iphone 4s Repair Parts What does this have to do with MLM leads? Plenty. If you include all internet marketing and home business in the numbers, there is a virtual flood of new people working to start their own business today. Why?Think about it. You KNOW why. The numbers of people becoming laid-off, unemployed or underemployed have not been higher since the great depression. We have people in positions of trust bilking people for $50 billion. Our government feels it's prudent to bail out mis-managed companies, when letting them die while well-run companies thrive is the better option. Our retirements have been stolen, with our children and grandchildren left to foot the bill when we are gone.It's no wonder people are turning to running their own business for hope and financial freedom. There are 175,000 new people per week joining direct sales companies and/or getting into network marketing online. What is the most important skill you need for success in your new MLM home business? To start with, it's MLM lead generation. Without an unlimited source of qualified MLM leads you will fail. Most importantly, to have any chance of success, we need to look at the word network marketing. The first thing you need to understand is how to market your business. Many people getting into MLM have no idea of how to effectively market their business. Marketing, very basically, consists of three steps - getting traffic, converting traffic to leads & converting leads to sales. Now each of these steps can be broken down more, but that is beyond the scope and breadth of this article. You need to focus on learning to execute Motorcycle Apparel step effectively, then once you have mastered it, move on to the next step.So what are the best methods for this? Many people swear by PPC. Many love social media. Many say that nothing is better than content marketing. Youtube and other video sharing sites are very popular. What is best for you? Unfortunately I can't say. (I will give the marketing strategy that I believe to be the best for most people at the end of the article). First I want to touch on a couple of things for you. No one strategy works best for everyone.For most of you, who are inexperienced with marketing and network marketing online, free methods are best. You need to be able to work a strategy until you master it. You need to be able to afford whatever marketing methods you choose until you get results. You need to be open to a strategy where you may have some skill, or that just works with your personality. Do not waste your money on too many tools & trainings. There are tons of free resources to help you.A lot of people do not realize the learning curve involved with PPC and other methods of paid advertising. Unless you have like $1000 per month and at least six months MINIMUM, if you're average, I don't recommend getting into any paid advertising early in your MLM business. If you are not making money within the first 90 days of your new MLM home business, you'll probably quit.Don't spend yourself out of the business by trying to do paid marketing before you have a basic understanding of marketing. I have been able to start various blogs & drive myself up the Alexa rankings into the top 2-3% of sites in just a few weeks with NO paid marketing at all. This was with no real training in content marketing until this year, just before I started these sites.This is not to say it's easy. I have an incredible mentor, the best training in the world and a phenomenal mastermind team to work with. The steps ARE simple steps, and they can be learned. The quality of leads you personally generate are much higher than with leads that you buy, and they come from people actively looking for what you have.In summary, the right free methods are far better, if you have the time and lack lots of money to pour into your marketing budget when you are starting your business. I also told you I would let you know what I think to be the ABSOLUTE best methods for MLM lead generation. Though I'm really enjoying blogging & think it may be my personal best, I would rank them as #1 - Article Marketing & #2 - Blogging, for most people.

