
Sexy Women’s Boots Raises Girls Value By 2

Boots make a women look better, in general anyway. We're not sure why this is. It could be that it helps make the shape a women's leg, a very important part of the women, look better. It could also be that it's just the latest fashion trend and because all the hottest female celebrities these days sport women's boots. Around the world, whether you're in Asia, Europe or North America, when you see a woman walking down the streets in a nice pair of boots, you almost Air Swimmers have to always do a double take.Last week our team decided to run a series of I interview on men and women to determine how much value sexy women's boots brings to women in the eyes of men. Although we didn't exactly use the scientific method to yield these results, the results were surprising. It's general knowledge that a nice pair of women's boots can help a girl look sexier and can be a great addition to many outfits.We began the test by choosing out 4 men and 8 women that we knew. We then had the women bring 2-3 pairs of women's winter boots in different lengths and styles. We made sure that the men did not know the women personally although I suspect it wouldn't have mattered too much if they did know. We then had the women walk through and the men rate the women on a scale of 1-10 on attractiveness while wearing high heels, regular sneakers and boots. The men were not allowed to discuss with each other what they thought of the women. The women came in all varieties of heights from short, medium height and tall. They also came in a large variety of body types from curvy to skinny and a bit chubby.The results of the test showed that on average, when the women came out in suede or leather boots, they were rated on average 2 points higher than when they came out in regular athletic or casual shoes. The skinnier the girls were the higher the remote controlled air swimmers points they received when they wore the boots. When the chubbier girls wore women's boots their rating went higher as well although this increase in rating was not as high as the skinnier girls. That was how the average of "2 points higher" came about.The high heels showed similar results as the women's boots but this time the results of air swimmers the scores varied more based on the girl's weight, but that's another experiment we can discuss at a later time. For now we are talking about sexy women's boots.So there you have it, we all knew that women looked sexier in all types of boots (especially leather boots) but now we know approximately by how much more (2 points). So ladies, when you have doubts on what you need to wear on that special night out, think about which pairs of sexy suede, leather, black or brown boots you have in your closet.Disclaimer: The results of this experiment are based off the immature scale of 4 shallow and superficial men and should not be taken as scientific fact. If you want to feel better about yourself a nice pair of women's boots could help but self confidence is found within yourself and not always in external artifacts such as boots or high heels.

